T for Tired -April free choice-

I’m tired,

but rest is no refuge

because I’m tired of that very refuge.

I’m tired of resting and telling myself that today i’ll rest and tomorrow i’ll do better

because tomorrow I will be the very same.

So I decided to change;

let my desires free, untamed,

be who I chose to portray.

Because one day i’ll be wide awake,

wondering how it all went away.

and on that very day,

I want to smile and say;

It was worth it every single second and every single one of my days.


When I was writing this poem the contents of it were something that just came to me. When writing this I felt frustrated with  myself and you can feel the frustration portrayed in the many words of my poem. I have always focused on self growth and in continually bettering myself so I can be the best person possible and when I am unable to do so it makes me feel sort of incompetent. Nevertheless, I have always looked onto the bright side of things, which is very important and one should always try to do so regardless of their situation because things will always get better; this message is something that I tried to portray throughout my poem and it is something I try to think about often when things look bleak.

image reference:


One thought on “T for Tired -April free choice-

  1. Dear Ayesha,

    I absoloutely love the aesthetic of your blog. The animation in the images you used is so unique, beautiful and different. The animation reminds me of Sailor moon becuase the graphic of it is very similiar to that of Sailor Moon’s. My only feedback is that in your decription try to dig into the details of your piece becuase it has the potential for such isightful interprattion but otherwise. Your piece and the visual aspect of your blog is full of imagination.



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